Friday, 23 October 2009


 Agency for the Arts Exhibition Celebrates
20th Anniversary of the Fall of the
Berlin Wall

A new exhibition inspired by the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall opens November 9, 2009 curated by Samir Chala, Director of Public Relations for KIN Agency for the Arts, featuring the work of international artists O. Yordanov, Sophie Pardo, Brittni Cute, Jerrell Conner, Morgan Derrick Mia, Shon Kim,  Jacob Susko and Anthony Santos. 

The exhibition opened November 9 until November 25 at Copley Library, University of San Diego, San Diego, California.

In Germany, the City of Berlin is conducting a “year of remembrance” in celebration of those who helped tear it down. In commemoration of this historic event, the KIN exhibition will feature a diverse range of artwork, including paintings, photography and poetry and, all created in response to the fall of the Berlin Wall 20 years ago and what that symbolizes. Made of concrete and metal, the wall was a metaphor for oppression, subjugation, and disenfranchisement.  The KIN exhibit works with aspects of the same materials and structures while dealing with the complexities of sudden freedom, reunification, and the pull of a generation of sadness and regret.

Music Written and Produced

Steven  Gurevitz  & Jay Pulenthira
                                                          2002 Studios, London, UK

Sponsored by
Copley Library
The  Department of Languages and Literatures
University of San Diego
                                             2002 Studios, London, UK

To view the North America exhibit online, visit:
For more information about the exhibit and KIN Agency for the Arts, please contact:

Samir Chala, USD ‘06
Curator & Director of Public Relations
KIN Agency for the Arts
Phone: 310-925-7013

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